Cultural Memory and Literature
An international conference on 24–25 September, 2010, at the Department of English Studies,

The Department of English Studies, ELTE
and the
British Literature in the Hungarian Cultural Memory Research Group,
lead by
Professor Ágnes Péter
invite you to their international conference investigating the relationship between British Literature and Cultural Memory in an international context.
Some of the most productive recent work in the field of British Studies in Hungary has explored the place of British Literature in Hungarian Cultural Memory. These have included studies on the historical processes of transmission, reception, appropriation, on processes of erasure, forgetting and censorship. The papers at the conference comment on the character of this relationship in Europe, in Central Europe, or in Hungary, and in the ways in which it can and have been theorised, or established in different countries.
Topics include: Continental, regional and national maps of influence; Memory and forgetfulness; History of criticism; Literary history, history of reception; Politics, ideology, power; Theatre; Intercultural mediation; Book publishing and the cultural establishment; The politics of education (curricula, textbooks); Lieux de mémoires; Translation studies.
Our invited speakers will be:
- Dr Elinor Shaffer FBA (Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies, University of London)
- Prof John Drakakis (University of Stirling)
- Prof Richard Cronin (University of Glasgow)
- Prof Péter Dávidházi FHA (ELTE)
- Dr Alistair Davies (University of Sussex)
- Prof Ronald Soetaert (University of Ghent)
Please use the links on the left hand side to navigate between the pages you need. We will do everything we can to provide all the necessary and useful information about the conference. Please check regularly for updates.
If you have further questions, please email us at

The British Literature in the Hungarian Cultural Memory Research Project is funded by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA)
The Cultural Memory and Literature Conference sponsored by ELTE BTK HÖK